Monday 21 October 2019


How do you define it?
Is it an insect or animal which fear you a lot? Is it a bunch of bully kids ? Is it an incidence or n accident ,or,Is it your past which you fear a lot?
Whatever the factor of fear maybe,but, does it stop you from an aim or dream you've been looking or pursuing at since very long or childhood ?
The question hence arises, blocking yourself to answer the unsolved part. It thus dominates the fear over win. Does this fear is worth more than your efforts,your time,your value,your work or your existence?.....
I wonder and believe that it 'doesn't' matter for even the pain of your finger being pricked by a tiny thorn. You might wonder that the pain you experience or the claustrophobia you inherit , is way more depriving than the physical pain. But , the scene is different here, Your mental pain occurs only when you allow it to, it's your will which decides which emotion or incident to dominate your optimism.
The moment you fight back your fear;
The moment you destroy the fear of fear;
YOU WIN.......
Suppressing things is just covering up the heap of dust under mats, Fighting back is the real diminishing of the cause.
Fight back, Know and understand your fear, step over it tall enough to make it feel destroyed in itself. The Fear Fears itself, it's just your step to show the mirror to it and let it destroy itself!!
The answer is in your hand, The game is one-player, The winning side is yours, Achieve it, Uncover the hidden fears into winning courage .
Make every fear of yours an experience to success.
Ever if you loose, count it as your stair to win early!
Embrace your power, you've got it in you.

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