Saturday, 18 May 2019

Journey from Passion to Peace

The way from passion to peace is not by hurling painful charges against others,but by overcoming one's self . By eagerly striving to subdue the selfishness of others , we remain passion-bound . By patiently overcoming our own selfishness, we ascend into freedom . Only he who has conquered himself can subdue others; and he subdues them , not by passion , but by love.
The way from passion to peace is not in outer world of people; it is in the inner world of thoughts; it does not consist in altering the deeds of others, it consists in perfecting one's deeds. Without passion to begin with , there would be no power to work with, and no achievement to end with. Passion represents power, but power misdirected, power producing hurt instead of happiness. It forces , while instruments of destruction in the hands of the foolish , are the instruments of preservation in the hands of the wise. 

1 comment:

Manisha Singh said...

And your passion is beautifully reflected in this.Hats off

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