Sunday 9 September 2018


Every new day brings new challenges,
Every new ray brings a new hope.
We plan our steps to attain the best of all arduous hours. Sometimes the destiny feed us to fly on cloud nine and sometimes it takes us down to the sea line. With increasing abilities, successes and appreciation , a belief grows amongst the surrounding for our success appeal. This belief in mainstream is known as 'Expectation'.
A ship sails through the waves in ups and downs ; it not only sails through the toughest brave trails but also get drenched by the ocean legends ; Still with a fear of proving the existing or unexisting 'expectations of survivals' these captains hail high to overcome the defeat of death.
Fear of defeat or ignorance of surrounding greets the rising of expectations. As humanly it is to greet defeat-fear , we all tend to suppress our own expectations over that of others.
Truly it is said " Put your oxygen mask first than putting that on others", Reason behind this goes very simple, If you are unable to survive the lack of oxygen, how will you help others in their needs. Hence, make yourself fit enough to help others than to be ill yourself and being of no help.
Expectations increase and decrease , but your way or attitude to deal with them should always increase. No matter what the situations are , accomplish your expectations first and then feed on the others', this will not only increase the bar of your respect but will also make you self-confident.  Being a good human isnt a devil's play , it is the simplest way to prosper the arcane revelations of humankind. Get your bag of expectations to be filled by your choice and head up to galaxy, as galaxy is your limit.

1 comment:

Manisha Singh said...

Amazing.So highly intellectual theories explained so well.

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