Thursday 20 September 2018


Furiously we daily drive into various lanes of emotions. Sometimes we deal with them or sometimes they make a deal with us. In this life of athletes, merely anyone cares for your views and in return, we avenge on it; this is a cycle that continues to satisfy humankind.
With a bundle of nerves, we skedaddle on the most important thoughts, resulting mind being in a state called the 'Blank phase'. 
  The notion of overthinking makes one's brain haggard and tired.  Hence we fall on hurdles of success known as 'failures'. Everyone has experienced this phase, wherein your physique supports, but your mind gets stuck in the weary winds. 
Everything you go through helps you grow, we must pay attention to the lesson these situations give. We must never get worked up over things we can't change or surroundings we can't change. We have an option of forgiveness, as it does not change your past but changes your future. To get rid of these phases, we should train our minds to see the good in everything. Positivity is a choice, as the happiness of your life depends on our viewpoint. Every morning should start with a chapter and not with yesterday's issues. In this coaster of life, fasten your belts to lead you to your destiny through various ups and downs. Be ready to face the phase!
-Mahi Verma

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